الاثنين، 10 سبتمبر 2012

مراجعة أسئلة الأنجليزي للصف الثاني عشر - الفصل الأول

مراجعة أسئلة الأنجليزي للصف الثاني عشر - الفصل
 الأول مقدمة من
Thug Azooz
Follow @ThugAzooz

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE ONE                  UNIT 1

1. What is the definition of the word "law"?
     The law is the code or set of rules which govern all individuals and organizations in
2.  Some actions have always been considered  crimes almost everywhere . Mention two  .
     a. theft.                       b. murder.
3. What is the basic principle of most systems of laws ?
     It's that a person is innocent until someone proves that they are guilty .

4.  What do you know about Hammurabi's code of law ?
     a. It was established nearly 4 thousand years ago.
     b. It consisted of  282 laws.
     c.  Those laws governed : the family , work , personal property and trade.

5.  Who makes laws ? who enforces them ?
      a. governments make laws.   b. policemen and judges enforce them .

6.  Who are the juries? What is their job ?
      Juries are selected members of the public , they decide whether an accused person is        
      innocent or guilty.

7.  What are the THREE main types of law ?
      a. Criminal law :  deals with murder ,and crime against property .
      b. Civil  law      :  deals with a wide range of actions from arguments between
                                   neighbours to the behaviour of large companies
    c. Family law    :   deals with family relationships ( marriage, adoption , welfare of
                                    children )
8.  What are "laws" backed by ?
      They are backed by : penalties and punishments .
      -Major punishment in case of murder, guilty person sent to prison
      -Minor penalties in legal disputes the citizen pays a fine  .

9.  Why is it so important to have "laws " ?
      Because without laws there would be chaos.
10.  What Do you know about Kuwait Laws ?
       a. They are made to protect the individual rights of the people living in Kuwait .
        b. It has a well-structured and clearly –defined judiciary ( composed of              summary , military , and religious courts )  
        c. Kuwait laws are drawn from the teaching of the Holy Quran.

11. How do Islamic values influence the system of laws in Kuwait ?
     a.  It protects the rights of all people of all religious persuasions .
     b. It ensures a safe , just and tolerant society .

12.  What do we mean by a tolerant society ?
       a. when the government protects the rights of all the citizens ( regardless their
           religion or gender  )
       b. where justice and safety prevail .
13. Mention some examples of old and new crimes   .
     a. Old crimes :      a- theft           b- fraud.
     b. New crimes  :  identity theft by using computers .

14. Why do criminals use the Internet to communicate with each other ?
     Criminals use the internet to pass on confidential information and plan crimes .

15.  Why is computer crime on the increase ?
      Computer crime is on the increase because the number of people who use internet
      websites ,(to buy things , to book holidays, or to access their bank accounts ) is
16.  What makes computer crimes more difficult to solve than traditional ones ?
      a. Because Technological criminals are often invisible .
      b. And their actions may be impossible to prove.
 c. It's difficult to prosecute them because nothing is actually physically stolen or        damaged . 

17.  Internet websites is a double edged weapon . Discuss.
     a. Ordinary people may use it :   1- to buy things    ,   2- book holidays or    3- to access    their bank accounts to transfer money .
    b. Technological criminals may use it :  1- to find out confidential information ,
         2- send damaging viruses , 3- plan crimes    4- persuade people to pay for worthless things or support fake charity organizations   

 18. What is meant by " culture of blame ' ?
     People search for someone to blame for accidents that , in the past , they would have simply taken responsibility for themselves.

19. Some people are for solving minor issues in courts and some are against   . Discuss each group's viewpoint  .
For :
a- Supporters of litigations argue that the increase in court cases shows our courts are working properly . 
b- The increase in legal cases reflects the society's desire to protect everyone from the effects of criminal neglect .
c- The increase in legal cases ensures that everyone has equal rights .
Against :
a- Such cases are a reflection of an emerging ' culture of blame ' .
 b- Countless number of lawyers firms have sprung up specifically to deal with these cases.
c- Such petty grievances clog up courts and prevent prosecutions against real criminals  .

 20. What should happen to motorists who break the speed limits ?
a- They should be put in prison .
b- They should be asked to  pay fines .
c- They should be banned from driving . 

21.  Computers play a vital role in our life. Explain .
     The usage of computer is indispensable at home, at school and at work (airports , banks            hospitals , media )

22.What did Kuwait do to upgrade the standard of its employees ?
    The Kuwaiti government launched a " digital awareness programme " to train hundreds of thousands of employees in IT skills.

23. What problems or dangers are associated with using computers ?
     a. a person becomes detached from his friends and family
     b. children become isolated and fail to communicate.
     c. computer addicts may suffer from eye-ache , headache , and obesity.

24. From your point of view , what are the advantages of computers ?
    a. it saves time and effort.
    b. it is an interesting means of entertainment .
    c. it helps in varied research work
    d. it keeps us in touch with latest news and inventions

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE ONE                  UNIT 2

1. Why do people leave their home countries?
a-     To earn more money than they earn in their countries.
b-    To seek a better life and high standard of living .
c-     To escape from wars and destruction.

2- Mention some historical examples of migrations , where to and the reasons for it .

Migration place

United States of America
-Some for economic benefit
-Others to escape starvation and seek a better life
-Kuwait needed skilled workers
- Workers came seeking better life and high standard of living
France , Britain and the United States of America
-The effects of war, especially the killing of civilians

3- What is meant by animal migration ?
The movement of an animal from the place where it has been living to a different place and the return journey to that animal's original home .

4- Why do animals usually migrate?
a-To find food or to raise their young.
b- To find warmer weather .

5- Many animals migrate to northern regions during the summer and to south in the autumn. Why ?
  - Because the long summer days mean that there is always plenty of food.
- In the autumn when the weather gets colder , animals migrate south to find food and warmer weather.

6- How do animals know where to go when they migrate?
   a-There are two theories ; firstly, some experts believe that animals have a kind of compass inside their head.
   b- Others have suggested that they may use the sun and stars to help them find the way.

7- Ancient civilizations had many myths to explain the periodic appearance and disappearance of great number of animals. Give examples.
 For example, they believed that tiny birds, called swallows, buried themselves in the mud at the bottom of lakes to get through the winter.

8-What are the bad effects of earthquakes ?

a-     People may be killed or seriously injured .
b-    Buildings may be obliterated .

9-What are the advantages of moving abroad ?
a-  Earning more money  .
b-Finding better life chances .
c- Finding better job opportunities .
d- Meeting new people .   

10-What are the disadvantages of moving abroad ?
      a- Suffering from homesickness . 
       b- Living away from family and friends .
       c- Suffering from cultural differences .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE ONE                  UNIT 3

1- What is meant by human values ?
Human Values are one's judgments about what is important in life and they are an integral part of every culture .

2- Why are human values important ?
a- They generate behaviours .
b-They help people solve common human problems   .
c- They help to understand people of different cultures .
d-They identify what should be judged as good or evil .

3- Mention some of the universal human values .
a- Compassion b- Empathy c- Respect d- freedom e- Tolerance

4- How do governments protect basic human rights?
a- Establishing international organizations to embody these values.
b- Instituting policies which aim at human rights protection .

5- What is meant by compassion  ?
Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings .

6- What is meant by freedom?
 freedom doesn't mean simply acting as one wishes all the time , it means a balance  between individuals freedoms and the needs of society as a whole .

7- What is meant by tolerance ?
The acceptance of people different from ourselves .

8- Why do countries have legislations
To protect minorities from abuse and discrimination .

9- Islam teaches us important human values . Explain .
a- Islam teaches us, a code of behaviour, conservation of social values and gives us a  meaning for our existence .
b- It gives us a sense of self-respect
c- It teaches us about the virtues of family life and a cohesive society  .
d- In Islam humiliating human beings is forbidden and they must be treated humanely.

10-  What are the aims of the KRCS ?
To protect and assist people in hardship and provide their basic human needs .

11- What does the KRCS stand for ?
It stands for the Kuwait Red Crescent Society .

12- What does the NGO stand for ?
 Non governmental organization .

13- What do you know about the KRCS ?
a- The Kuwait Red Crescent Society is a voluntary humanitarian society that provides assistance to vulnerable people , without discrimination based on nationality , ethnicity , gender , race , colour or beliefs .  
b- It works in conjunction with the government .
c- It works both within and outside Kuwait .

14- What does KRCS depend on to cry out many of its activities ?
a- On Youth people    b- On volunteers .

15- Volunteers play an important role in KRCS . Explain . ( Describe the ideal Red Crescent volunteer )  . 
a- They support all the other committees by providing manpower and funds .
b- They work without the expectation of reward or praise .
c- They receive their first aid training from the Ministry of Health , then they work wherever they are needed .
d- They distribute food and aid to needy families .
e- The participate in awareness-raising activities in schools and universities .
f- outside Kuwait , they provide basic health care assistance and participate in rescue operations in the aftermath of natural disasters .

16- What are the KRCS  humanitarian projects ?
a- Feeding hungry children in famine
b- Building wells .
c- Providing education .
d- Providing shelters .

17- Whom does the KRCS help ?
a- Old people .
b- Hospital patients .
c- Disaster victims .
d- Hungry children .  

18- What is the KRCS volunteers real reward ?
a- Their real reward is the chance to help others .
b- To restore the smile to a child's face .
c- To Change someone's life for the better .

20- What is the Kuwait Foreign Diplomatic Institute ?
  It is just the latest in a long line of moves made by the Kuwaiti government to extend the hand of friendship to other countries .

21- The   Foreign Diplomatic Institute  has three aims . Mention them .  
a- The institute is a training institute . Its objective is such that the staff of the institute will be responsible for training all of Kuwait's diplomatic staff  .
 b- The institute will function as a government think- tank , conducting research on foreign policy that may ultimately influence many important decision taken by the government .
c- The institution is the organization of international seminars , conferences workshops and meetings with relevance to Kuwaiti foreign policy .

22- What kind of person does it take to become a successful diplomat ?
The main criteria for success as a diplomat are  a- confidence   
                                                                             b- friendliness                                   
                                                                              c- willingness to work very ,very  hard   

* Are the following statements True ( T ) or False ( F ) ? Justify yonur answer ?

1- Some actions have always been considered crimes .
TRUE : Such as murder and theft .

2- In some legal systems , a person is presumed guilty until proven innocent .
 FALSE: The basic principle of most systems of law is that  someone is innocent until proven guilty .

3-The police and judges make laws.
FALSE : The governments make laws .

4- Criminal law deals with family relationships such as marriage .
FALSE : Criminal laws deals with murder and crime against property .

5- It's more difficult to solve computer crimes than traditional ones .
TRUE : Because technological criminals are invisible and nothing is actually physically stolen or damaged .

6- There are no problems associated with using computers .
FALSE : There are many problems associated with using computers such as being detached from friends and family . Also suffering from eye-ache , headache and obesity .

7- People leave their home countries for many reasons .
TRUE : They leave to earn more money or to seek a better life and high standard of living .

8- Migrating animals do not return to their original homes .
FALSE : They do return.

9- Most animals migrate to escape from their enemies .
FALSE : Most animals migrate to find food and raise their young .

10- Many animals migrates at the same time every year .
TRUE : Animal migration is a regular event .

11- Animals make the same journeys as their partners did .
TRUE : Animal migration happens in the same way from one generation to another .

12- Many animals migrate to the south in the summer .
FALSE : They migrate to the north in the summer

13- Scientists believe that migration has helped certain animals to survive .
TRUE : Animals which have moved to better environments have been most successful .

14- Moving abroad is always an advantage .
FALSE : Moving abroad has advantages and disadvantaged . Advantages like earning more money and finding better life chances .The disadvantages are suffering from homesickness or cultural differences .
15- Freedom means doing whatever you want to do .
FALSE : It means a balance between individuals freedoms and the need of society as a whole.

16- All countries should have legislations .
TRUE : To protect minorities from abuse and discrimination.

17- The KRCS was the first organization of its kind
FALSE : The KRCS joined a pre-existing international group of societies .

18- The KRCS has a mutually beneficial relationship with the government of Kuwait .
TRUE : The KRCS performs work that would drain governmental resources . In return , the government gives the volunteers training .

19- The volunteers for KRCS are extremely kind-hearted individuals .
TRUE: Their motivation is compassion and desire to assist those in need .

20- The  only human needs are health care , water supplies and sustenance .
FALSE : People also need shelter , companionship or freedom .

21- The KRCS is run entirely by volunteers .
FALSE : The KRCS is supported by volunteers who raise funds and provide manpower .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 4 (LESSON   1+2  )

 1- Define Desertification?
It is the process in which productive land changes into desert.

2- Where does desertification occur?                          
It usually occurs in dry areas where there is no rain and where the climate is harsh.             

3- What are the causes of desertification ?
a- The natural changes in the climate .
b- The unacceptable activities of human beings .

4- Desertification is sometimes caused by Human Beings, How?
 a-  By farmers who overcultivate the land which makes the soil poor and unproductive.
b- By farmers who overgraze the land which kills off grass and other plants.
c- By loggers who cut down the trees which erodes the soil and causes deforestation .

5- What are the bad effects of desertification ?
a- The soil becomes poor and unproductive .
b- People may die because of shortages of food and water.
c- Desertification can create conditions which produce strong winds and treacherous wildfires .

6- What can the Government ( or the Public Authority for Agriculture and Fisheries do to encourage planting in Kuwait ?
a- Distributing free lands for citizens to cultivate them .
b- Provide farmers with seeds , tools , fertilizers , etc.
c- Supply farms with modern systems of irrigation .   

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 4 (LESSON   3  )

1- What's the importance of the Amazon rainforest ?
a- It's the home of at least 30 per cent of the world's animals and plants .
b- It's the home of 220,000 people from about 180 different tribes .
c- It controls the world's climate by taking in carbon dioxide and turning it into fresh air .
d- People depend on the rainforest for their food , tools , medicine , shelter , etc.

2-  Why are the rain forests being destroyed?
a-     Ranchers use the land for their cattle
b-    Loggers sell the hard wood from the trees they cut down.
c-     Oil companies try to find more oil.
d-    Farmers try to make more land for Soya beans

3-What are most Soya beans used for?
a-     They are used as animal food (chicken)
b-    They are also used as food for human consumption.

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 4 (LESSON  7+8  )

1- What's the importance of water ? Why is water important ?
a- Each cell in the body depends upon water in order to function.
b- Water plays an intrinsic role in agricultural production .
c- Water clears the toxic waste from different parts of the body.
d- Water prevents heart attacks and strokes.
e- Water increases efficiency at work.
f- Water will prevent stress, anxiety, and depression.

2- Mention some examples of wasteful use of water.
a- Running the tap while brushing the teeth .
b- washing cars with hose .
c- not fixing the leaking water pipes .
d- Wasting water with bathing and showing .

3- Suggest some ways to conserve water .
a- Turn off the water in the sink while you are brushing your teeth .
b- Take shorter showers or take a shallow bath .
c- check all water pipes for pin holes leaks .
d- use modern system of irrigation ( sprinkles , dropping ) .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 5 (LESSON  1+2 )

1-    What's the meaning of recycling?
Recycling means processing objects and materials so they can be used again.

2-    What are the recycled items ?
paper - glass -  plastic - car batteries - fridges - wood - clothes and shoes - children's toys – books .

3-    How do families help with recycling their waste?
  Take all their waste glass , paper and old clothes to special collection points.

4-    Why is it necessary to recycle our wastes ? 
a- Because the earth is running out of resources .
b-  We're running out of places to bury all our waste.
c-Burning our rubbish pollutes the atmosphere.

5- What is meant by green waste ?
Anything that has grown in the ground – grass, trees , leaves and plants .

6- How can we recycle green waste?
a- People have always burned wood for heat or to cook
b- Other green things are often used to help new plants grow.

7- How can we reduce most household rubbish?
 supermarkets shouldn't sell far too many things with several layers of plastic or cardboard packaging.

8- What are the major environmental issues that concern people ?
a- Caring for the environment .
b- Using the world's resources in moderation .
c- Protecting endangered species .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 5 (LESSON  3  )

1- What is paper made of?
Cloth – cotton fiber – grass – and sugar cane and wood pulp .

2- What's the role of Kuwait in the process of recycling papers ?
 Kuwait is building recycling centers with one partnership between a major private company and a university  .

3- What are the benefits of recycling papers ?
a- For every tone of paper used for recycling, we save 30,000 litres of water, 3000-4000 kwh of electricity, and produce 95% less air pollution.
b- Recycling paper is less harmful to the environment than burying it in landfill sites.

4- It is not entirely true that recycling paper saves trees. Explain
a- Trees are a commercially grown long –term crop, so that when they are cut down m new ones are planted . 
b- Papermakers use the parts of trees that cannot be used in other industries such as building and furniture making  .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 5 (LESSON  7+8   )

1-    Where can we get waste to recycle ?
a-Collection from people’s homes
b-Collection points

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 6 (LESSON  1+2   )

1- Mention some characteristics of the panda ?
a- The Panda is one of the most reticent and lives a solitary life.
b- It Spends about twelve hours everyday feeding and the remaining time sleeping or resting    
c- It lives in cold , damp conditions.
d-It is very good at climbing.

2-    How can Pandas avoid their enemies ?
a-     By climbing up the nearest tree for refuge . ( They are very good at climbing ) .
b-    Their acute hearing also helps them to avoid their enemies .

3-    Mention some of the Panda's enemies .
a-     Brown bears .
b-    Leopards .
c-     Humans .

4-    What do pandas feed on ?
a- leaves .              b- stem                c- shoots                     d- roots of bamboo plants                      
e- fruit                   f- eggs                  g- fish

5-   Mention some solutions to save pandas lives?
a- Banning hunting pandas . Anyone who is caught hunting pandas is severely punished.
b- Setting up special expansive reservations for pandas .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 6 (LESSON  3  )

1-Mention some types of plants and how they protect themselves from  animals ?

Type of plant
Protects itself with/by
Sharp thorns
Injecting painful and irritating substances
Horse chestnut 
A sticky substance
Venus flytrap
Consuming insects

2- What are the plant's enemies ?
a- mammals .
b- insects .
c- birds . 

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 6 (LESSON   4+5   )

1- What are the importance of plants ?
a- Plants provide nourishment . 
b- They enrich the soil .
c- They protect the soil from erosion .
d- They produce the oxygen we need to breathe
e- They provide us with medicine , oil , perfumes , waxes , fibers timbers and fuel .

2- Islam encourages people to cultivate vegetation  . How ?
a-  The Prophet Mohammed ( peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) said that any Muslim who plants vegetation and eats from it or allow another man , animal or bird to eat from it will receive recompense from Allah .
b-  The Prophet Mohammed ( peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ) said that anyone who plants a tree under which people can seek shade or shelter from the sun will have his reward with Allah .

3- Our religion is against cutting down the trees, why?
a- Because it encroaches on the bounty of all .
b- It disturbs the beauty of the environment which Allah has created.

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 6 (LESSON   7+8    )

1- What are the benefits of the housing project ?
a- It will help to improve the local economy .
b- It will help the town to expand and modernize .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                  UNIT 6 (LESSON   9     )

1- What is meant by reclamation ?  
Taking land from the sea or from marshes in order to create farmland , housing  , resorts  and even shopping centres .

2- Are you for or against land reclamation ? Why ?
For  because :
a-     Land reclamation is a vital procedure for continuing human development .
b-    It alleviates issues such as overcrowding and sanitation
c-     It alleviates hunger by draining swamp and marshlands to create agricultural areas .

Against because :  
a-     It disrupts local environment .
b-    Damage can occur to coral reefs and other underwater habitats .
c-     It can affect species such as rare migratory birds .

GRA DE  12                                    MODULE TWO                                        FOCUS ON

1- Why was the Arfaj chosen as the Kuwaiti national flower ?
a- Because of its historic significance of Kuwaitis .
b- It was used as a natural medicine .
c- It was a source of bedding and firewood .
d- It was a food source for sheep

2- By Protecting rare plants ,  we are protecting a part of Kuwait itself . Explain .
a- Because rare plants such as Arfaj is considered the national flower of Kuwait .
b- Such plant is considered Kuwait's natural heritage , so we are protecting our heritage .

Thug Azooz
Follow @ThugAzooz

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