الخميس، 14 يونيو 2012

معاني كلمات اللغة الأنجليزية للصف العاشر - الفصل الثاني

مراجعة معاني كلمات اللغة الأنجليزية للصف العاشر - الفصل الثاني
مقدمة من
Thug Azooz
Follow @ThugAzooz

Grade 10
    Module 3                             Unit 7                                

نفط خام
crude oil ( n )
Oil in its natural condition , before it is separated in to different products
كليا \ تماما
entirely ( adv )
finite ( adj )
having limits or bounds
 وقود عضوي
fossil fuel ( n)
A natural fuel such as coal or gas , formed from the remains of living organisms
محطات تكرير
fractional distillation (n)
Separation of a liquid mixture into fractions by boiling at different temperatures
polymer ( n)
A substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together ,e.g. many synthetic organic materials used as plastics and resins
refining ( n)
The removal of impurities or unwanted elements from a substance , typically as part of an industrial process

غير مرئي
invisible ( adj )
Can not be seen
ميجا وات
Megawatt ( n)
A unit of  power equal to one million watts
resolve ( v)
To settle or find a solution
يخرب  - يتلف
spoil ( v)
To damage or destroy the value of something

  فى الواقع
actually ( adv )
appliance ( n)
a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically at home.

تعطل ماكينة                      
breakdown ( n)
a mechanical failure
يولد الكهرباء
generate ( v )
to make electricity
يدوم- يستغرق - يستمر
last ( v )
to continue for a specified period of time

قيادة مركبة
motoring (n )
the activity of driving a car
strong ( adj )
great or powerful

 مرض الربو
asthma ( n )
a medical condition that causes difficulties in breathing
congestion ( n )
the state of being congested – full of traffic
consult ( v )
To ask for information or advice
يقلل \ ينقص
diminish ( v )
To get smaller
يؤول مصيره الى
end up with
( phrasal verb )
to be in a situation that you did not intend or want to be in because of something that has happened to you or something you have done

government ( n )
The governing body of a nation , region or community
محفوف بالمخاطر \ خطر
hazardous ( adj )
Risky, dangerous
لا يمكن الغاؤه أو تغييره
irreversible (adj )
Not able to be undone or changed
قائد مركبة
motorist ( n )
The driver of a car
يحصل على شيئ  
procure ( v )
To obtain something
Recently ( adv )
A short time ago
يعمل لحساب نفسه   
self-employed (adj)
Working for oneself rather than for a company
ضباب ملوث
smog ( n )
Fog that is filled with pollution
يبدد  \ يهدر
squander( v )
To waste or lose something foolishly
اضاعة \ اهدار \ اتلاف
waste ( n )
The careless , extravagant or purposeless use of something

Unit 8
عدسات لاصقة
contact lens ( n )
A thin plastic lens placed directly on the surface of the eye to correct visual effects
علاج شامل
cure-all (n )
A medicine or product that can cure a wide variety of problems
حاليااو في الوقت الحالي
currently ( adv )
At the present time
draw ( v )
To take
مطلي بالذهب
gold-coated ( adj )

Covered with gold
يجدد \  يبدع
innovate ( v )
To make changes in something established
  على الفور   
instantly ( adv )
At once , immediately
latest ( adj )
The most recent
 إنسان آلي " ربوت صغير "
micro-robot ( n )
A tiny robot
شريحة طبية صغيرة
nanoshell ( n )
An extremely tiny case implanted in the body to fight disease
بحث بالأقمار الصناعية
satnav ( n )
Navigation that uses information from satellites
shock ( n )
A sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience
sophisticated ( adj )
Developed to a high degree of complexity
tumor ( n )
A swelling of a part of a body

bio-fuel ( n )
Fuel made from living matter
implement ( v )
To put an action or a change in to effect
عقبة- مانع    
obstacle ( n )
A thing that blocks one's way
outlandish ( adj )
Looking or sounding strange or unfamiliar
suspension ( n )
A part attached to the wheels of a vehicle to cushion it from road conditions
مساحة زجاج السيارة      
windscreen wiper (n)
A rubber blade used to clear rain from a windscreen

ثنائي  البؤرة
bifocal ( adj )
( of special glasses ) having two different local lengths , one for distant vision and one for near vision
frequent ( adj )
Happening or doing something often
instigate  ( v )
To bring about or initiate  ( an action or event )
سهل القراءة   
legible ( adj )
Clear enough to read ( of handwriting or print )
obedient ( adj )
Obeying commands
patient ( adj )
Able to wait without becoming annoyed or anxious
reputation ( n )
The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something
software ( n )
The programs used by a computer
spot (  n )
A particular place or point

ذكرى سنوية
anniversary ( n )
The date on which an event took place in a previous year
معدل ضربات  القلب 
heart rate ( n )
The speed of your heart beat
يعيد الشحن
recharge ( v )
To restore electrical power in a device
remind ( v )
To cause someone to remember someone or something
جهاز  لعرض المعلومات المستلمة
terminal ( n )
A device at which a user enters data for a computer system and that displays the received output
حذع الإنسان
torso ( n )
The trunk of a human body
ينقل إشارة ضوئية
transmit ( v )
To send an electric sign
يتعدى على أملاك الغير
trespass ( v  )
To enter the owner's land or property without permission
wearer ( n )
The person wearing something especially clothing

Unit 9
accounting ( n )
The action or process of keeping financial accounts
يتبادل السلع \ يقايض
barter  ( v )
To exchange ( goods or services ) for other goods or services without using money
خصوصية \ سرية
confidentiality ( n )
Where someone is trusted to keep private information a secret
علم الإقتصاد
economics ( n )
Relating to trade , industry and the management of money
insurance ( n )
An arrangement with a company in which you pay small amounts of money to guarantee loss of property or damage
invest ( v )
To buy shares , property or goods because you hope the value will increase an you can  make a profit
investment ( n )
The sum of money invested to make a profit
loan ( n )
A thing that is borrowed , especially a sum of money , that is expected to be paid back
management ( n )
The process of dealing with or controlling things or people
صفقة \ معاملة تجارية
transaction ( n )
An instance of buying or selling something

ملياردير - ثري جدا
billionaire ( n )
Someone who has assets more than a billion dollars or pounds
محسن \ متصدق 
charitable ( adj )
Relating to giving help to those in need
inherit ( v )
To receive money or property from someone who has died
philanthropic ( adj )
Donating money to good causes and promoting the welfare of those in need
       الرسوم المستحقة       
tax return ( n )
A form used to calculate the amount of tax owed

مزاد علني
auction ( n )
A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder
complimentary (adj )
Something given for free
تسجيل الدخول للحاسوب
login ( n )
A process of starting a computer system
شحن البضائع
shipping ( n )
The transport of goods by sea or other means
ضريبة \ رسوم
tax ( n )
a compulsory payment to the government , used to pay for public services

مزاد علني
auction ( n )
A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder
complimentary  ( adj )
Something given for free
تسجيل الدخول للحاسوب
login ( n )
A process of starting a computer system
شحن البضائع
shipping ( n )
The transport of goods by sea or other means
ضريبة \ رسوم
tax ( n )
a compulsory payment to the government , used to pay for public services

غني \ ثري
affluent ( adj )
Having a great deal of money , wealthy
evil ( adj )
Very bad, harmful or wicked
extinct ( adj )
Having no living members
generosity ( n )
The quality of being kind and sharing
يكسب / يربح    
gross ( v )
To produce or earn ( an amount of money ) as total profit or income
بهذا المفهوم أو المعنى          
in this sense ( exp)
A way in which an expression or a situation can be interpreted
فائدة مالية      
profit ( n )
A financial gain , especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent
يحث \ يحفز    
spur ( v )
To encourage
success ( n )

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 10                                 Lesson 1+2

 هدوء – سيطرة النفس
Composure ( n.)

The state or feeling of being calm and control of oneself .
ثبات – ايمان
Constancy ( n.)

The quality of being faithful and dependable.
يحث – يوصي
Enjoin ( v.)

The instruct or urge (someone) to do something .
عرفان بالجميل
Gratefulness ( n.)

Feeling or showing on appreciation of kindness thankfulness .
Injustice( n.)

Lock of fairness or justice .
Insolence ( n.)

Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect .
ضبط النفس
Self-restraint ( n.)

Restraint imposed by oneself on ones own actions self control .

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 10                                 Lesson 3

ضحكة خافتة
Chuckle ( v.)

to laugh especially quietly or inwardly
Firmly ( adv.)

Strongly and clearly
Fleet ( n.)

A group of boats belonging to one company .
Retire ( v.)

To stop working because you are a certain age.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 10                                 Lesson 4+5

Border ( n.)

A line separating two geographical areas especially countries.
يترك – ينزل
Drop off
 ( phrasal verb )

To transport and leave someone somewhere.
يقل بالسيارة
Pick up 
( phrasal verb )

To go to somewhere to collect someone. typically in one's car.
Register ( v .)

To enter your name and details on an official list

يحمل مرة أخرى
Re-load (v.)

To load something again .
Set off
( phrasal verb  )

To begin a journey .
يهرب أشياء 
Smuggle  ( v.)

To take things in and out of a country against the law .
Sudden ( adj.)

Done quickly without a warning .
Touch down
( phrasal verb  )

To make contact with the ground in landing.
يصل لمكان
Turn up
( phrasal verb  )

To arrive somewhere especially when you are expected there.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 10                                 Lesson 7+8

Crazily ( adv.)

A great degree.
Dreadful ( adj.)

Very bad.
Emotive ( adj.)

Making people have strong feeling.
يقع أرضا
Knock off
( phrasal verb  )

To fall of after a collision.
Monotonous( adj.)

Dull tedious and repetitious.
Overtake ( v.)

To catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction .
Recuperate ( v.)

To recover from illness or exertion.
مقدار كبير
Stack of ( n.) 

A pile of objects typically one that neatly arranged.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 11                               Lesson 1+2

بأسرع وقت ممكن
asap ( Expression )

As soon as possible.
Colleague ( n.)

A person with whom one works especially in profession or business.
Current (n.)

A body of water or air moving in a definite direction .
غير مخطط له / عشوائي
Impromptu ( adj.)

Done without being planned organized or rehearsed.
يعيد ترتيب
Rearrange ( v.)

To change the position, time or order of something.
Starvation ( n.)

Lack of food
غير جدير بالثقة/ لا يعتمد عليه
Unreliable ( adj.)

Untrustworthy irresponsible.
Urgent ( adj.)

Requiring immediate action or attention.
مغلق بطريقة محكمة
Well-sealed ( adj.)

Closed very securely.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 11                                Lesson 3

Fasten ( v.)

To fix or join securely.
Homing ( adj.)

Relating to an animal's ability to fly home from a great distance.
بطريقة غير شرعية
Illegally ( adv.)

Against the law.
Instinct ( n.)

A natural or intuitive way of behaving.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 11                                Lesson 4+5

Activate (v.)

To make something active and able to operate.
تردد موجات
Band ( n.)

The wavelength of a radio or digital signal.
مكالمة مشتركة
Conference call ( n.)

A linking of several telephones, so that people in different places speak.
آخر موعد
Deadline ( n.)

The latest time or date by which something should be completed.
Flash ( v.)

To shine a bright light on and off.
تردد موجات
Frequency( n.)

The wavelength of a radio or digital signal (see band)
في المتناول
Handy ( adj.)

Convenient to handle or use, useful.
Harmony ( n.)

Agreement or concord.
Hassle ( n.)

Irritating inconvenience.
Portable ( adj.)

Easily carried.
Slide ( v.)

To move smoothly over a surface.
غير مقفل
Unlock ( v.)

To make a phone accessible to user .
يطور مستوى
Upgrade ( v.)

To raise (something) to a higher standard.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 11                               Lesson 7+8

Alarm ( v.)

To cause someone to feel frightened .disturbed or n danger.
جهاز الرد الآلي
Answer phone ( n.)

An other term for answer machine.
Briefly ( adv.)

Of short duration.
Confident ( adj.)

Feeling assured about something.
Next of kin ( n.)

A person closest living relative.
Ring ( n.)

An informal term for a telephone call.
Tone ( n.)

A musical note or sound used as a particular signal.
مدرس خصوصي
Tutor ( n.)

A private teacher, typically one who teaches a single student or a very small group.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 12                                Lesson 1+2

Aviation ( n.)

The Flying or operating of aircraft .
يتطابق مع
Coincide with (v.)

To happen at the same time as something else, especially by chance.
Exemplary ( adj.)

Excellent providing a good example to others .
Gliding (n.)

The sport of flying in a light engine less aircraft .
Instructor (n.)

A person who teaches something.
بجهد  - بقوة
Intensely ( adv.)

Strongly in high degree.
بشكل خاص
Notably (adv.)

Especially in a particular.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 12                                 Lesson 3

طائرة ذات محركين
Biplane ( n.)

An early type of an airplane with two pairs of wings.
  معلم مميز
Landmark( n.)

A feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognized from a distance.
يصيبه بلاء
Plague ( v.)

To cause continual trouble or distress to a group of people.
Prejudicial (adj.)

Having a bad effect on something.
Rusty (adj.) 

A metal  object covered in reddish –brown substance, mostly formed when iron or steel gets wet.
عبر القارات
Transcontinental (adj.)

Crossing a continent especially a transport to ate.

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 12                               Lesson 4+5

ذو مكانة
Acclaimed ( adj.)

Highly praised.
Attendant (n.)

A person employed to provide a service to the public, such as on a flight.
Cabin (n.)

The area for passengers in an aircraft.
Confrontational (adj.)

Likely to seek argument or disagreement.
شركة  - نقابة
Corporation (n.)

A big company or a group of companies.
Courteously ( adv.)

Said or done in a polite manner.
تعابير الوجه
Expression (n.)

The look on some one's face that shows a particular emotion.
Mumble (v.)

To say something quietly. Making it too difficult for others to hear.
Resemble (v.)

to look or seem like.
Stern (adj.)

Serious and unrelenting
Stunned (adj.)

Astonished or shocked

Grade 10
    Module 4                              Unit 12                              Lesson 7+8

Altitude ( n.)

The height of a plane in relation to sea level.
Aviate (v.)

To pilot or fly in an airplane .
عربة أطفال
Baby carriage (n.)

A four wheel carriage for a baby ,pushed by a person on foot.
Buzzing ( adj.)

Low ,continuous humming or murmuring..
الجهاز المتحكم
Control ( n.)

The switch or devices by which a machine is operated.
مساعد طيار
Co-pilot (n.)

A second pilot in an aircraft, assisting the pilot.
ذو مواصفات خاصة
Custom-built ( adj.)

(of a product ) made for a customer's special order.
Endeavour ( v.)

To try to attempt .
Eyewitness ( n.)

A person who has seen something happen and so can give a first hand description.
Fog ( n.)

Thick cloud which is difficult to see things.
العناوين الرئيسية
Headline (n.)

Heading at atop of an article or page in a news paper or magazine.
Incident ( n.)

An event, especially one that is unusual
Radar ( n.)

A system for detecting the speed and position of aircrafts .
Velocity ( n.)

The speed of something in a given direction
يتحكم به بالصوت 
 ( adj.)

(of a device) can be controlled by voice.

Thug Azooz

Follow @ThugAzooz

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